Phalanx provides cyber-secure file transfers & storage around existing employee workflows to save time, increase cybersecurity, and increase productivity. We’re very excited to see we’ve been showcased in USA Today as a cutting edge tech company disrupting the cybersecurity industry.

“People think good security comes at the cost of productivity. Since human-related issues are the leading cause of data breaches, we founded Phalanx to allow organizations to have both high cybersecurity and high productivity. Our customers are ecstatic about how simple we’ve made their secure file transfer and storage processes without needing additional infrastructure or burdening their employees,” said Ian Garrett, CEO & co-founder.
We’re looking forward to moving forward in our mission to provide the easiest experience to end-users while also enabling security leaders visibility and assurance with a traditionally very difficult data type to deal with.
Want to learn more about how Phalanx can secure your file transfers and storage? Book a demo today, or request a trial and we’d love to chat.