AED TechConnect: Phalanx Protects Data in New Era of Remote, Hybrid Work

The Arlington Economic Development (AED) interviewed CEO Ian Garrett to discuss the company’s growth and the advantages Arlington, VA offers to technology startups. In it, Ian discusses how Phalanx works with organizations to reduce data breach risk, how the company is growing, the benefits of being headquartered in Arlington, and more.

An excerpt from the interview:

Adam: Can you tell us more about Phalanx and how you work with organizations to reduce their data breach risks?

Ian: We founded Phalanx in response to one of the major issues in cybersecurity during the shift towards remote and hybrid work, which was the spike in data breaches that resulted from the antiquated approach of perimeter-based security. The definition of a cyber perimeter is increasingly unclear with remote workers, SaaS application integrations, and external vendors/services accessing assets. We found that leaders had no visibility or security of data outside of their databases, and that existing solutions to securely transfer data was highly cumbersome. The best way to ensure data is protected is by taking a data-centric approach to security. Ultimately, data should always have protection and tracking as it travels in and out of an organization. To provide both security and visibility in a way that worked alongside businesses we created MUZE.

Phalanx MUZE provides data analytics, tracking, and visibility over files and unstructured data, which is currently difficult to track but provides significant cyber risk to an organization. We also leverage automation to individually encrypt at the file level without burdening users or requiring classification, policies, or security decisions. One major challenge CISOs and business owners often face is a lack of personnel, so we knew our platform needed to not only be effective, but it had to work without needing additional hires.

The platform consists of an endpoint and web application. The endpoint application and its integrations (Outlook/Gmail, OneDrive/SharePoint/Google Drive, MS Teams) work in the background to automatically encrypt data at the file level and enable secure, trackable sharing across each of those environments. This automated file-level security allows users to work securely without hindering productivity, doesn’t require users to learn new behaviors, and doesn’t require them to make security decisions. The endpoint application gathers meta-data and sends it to the web application where leaders can view risk and understand all aspects of how their unstructured data is accessed and shared across the organization, regardless of location.

To learn more about AED and read the rest of the interview please visit the TechConnect article here.

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Specifies total amount of data that can be shared per secure links.

Gives you direct access to support through phone or video calls, for immediate assistance.

Offers faster email support, ensuring your queries are prioritized.

Provides assistance and answers your questions via email.

Lets you brand the file send page with your company’s logo and colors, providing a professional and secure way to send files.

Extends protection to more complex or specialized document types, ensuring all your data is secure.

Ensures common types of office documents, like Word and Excel files, are protected and managed securely.

The ability to set when your links will expire.

Allows you to see a record of who’s looked at your link, what time they looked at it, and if they downloaded the file.

Number of File Receives

How many file links you can generate to send files.

Lets you safely preview PDF files without the need to download them, adding an extra layer of security.

Provides a secure way for people outside your company to send you files, ensuring they’re protected during transfer.

Allows you to share files securely through links, ensuring that only people with the link can access them with many ways to restrict access.